Wednesday 11 April 2012

Chapter 8 : Travel to KOREA..waa...BEST nyer...

KOREA...lame nk plan p best lau de owg sponsor.. kan..kan...btol x? hehe..sronok jugak jln2 ... boley nk tngok negara owg... sbut jer pasal korea, msti kowg tringat ngn cite2 korea.. ngn hero2 nyer ag...

Bae Yong
Lee Jun ki

Lee Min Ho
Tu la hero2 korea...huhu... x layan sgt korea...boley la ckit2...sspe yg memg FAN korea ni msti knl n know all of citer korea....kan..kan... baru2 ni ade la jugak..lau TERlmbt tdo tu..tngok la ckit2 citer HE's jugk citer tu..dh lame dh cite tu, tp aq baru je tngok...

HE or SHE ?
 Anyway even wat muke camtu pon...still cute kan....agak2 lau kowg wat cmtu...ok x? lau aq yg wat, adoiyai...buruk bbeno nmpk nyerrrr....huhuhu

yg ni la the right person nyerr....

Park Shin Hye

Cantik kn org nyerrrr...untung laaaa.....hehe

ni gmbar acto laen lam citer tu
Jang Geun Seok

Jang Yong Hwa
wo..wo...wo...TERlencong ke laen nk citer pasal holiday nk p KOREA...ttbe plak citer pasal drama korea...related la jugak kan...hee

Anyway jumpe housmate lame smlm..she ask me ..nk x join p korea x...(cam tau2 je) ..memg nk plan p sane pun..then i ask her back,bila?

and she told me..end of this year..BUDGET RM2+++  6days,5 nights + tmpat stay + flight 2 ways....waa best nyerrrrrrrrrr.... bila pg time spring... what will be the first thing pops up in our mind?????

pokok sakura..... 桜の木になろう
 YUPP ! SAKURA... hopefully 1 day ...i can pick up the cherry blossom....nk sgt...hehe....teringat la plak kat one of my friend ni...teringin sgt nk p korea sbb nk pick up sndri this flower...lau p time spring boley la...lau time winter..jumpe pokok j la gamat nyerrrrr...hehehe

ooppss!! lupe plak nk gtau kt dye pasal offer tu...msti dye nk g...nk ajak dye la...

p/s : lau kowg ase nk join gak kn,just tell me..k.. :) my pleasure....

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